"To administer a social security scheme that provides financial security to all employees in Sierra Leone in the form of Old age benefits, Invalidity benefits and Survivors, based on Social Insurance principles."
"To be the centre of execellence providing quality social security protection through promoting a culture of high quality preformance among its staff."The National Social Security and Insurance Trust is a Statutory Public Trust, charged with the responsibility of administering Sierra Leone’s National Pension Scheme. By the National Social Security and Insurance Trust Act. No. 5 of 20th July 2001. The National Social Security and Insurance Trust was established
“to provide retirement and other benefits to meet the contingency needs of workers and their dependents and to provide other related matters”
After the declaration of the end of the decade-long civil war (1991-2002), the President, Alhaji Dr. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah, expressed his desire to establish a social security scheme as part of the process of rehabilitation, reconstruction and resettlement geared towards sustainable peace, good governance, socio-economic development and political advancement. In order to achieve his dream, the President included Social Security within the mandate of the Ministry of Labour and Industrial Relations, in 1999, with the responsibility of establishing the Scheme for all categories of workers, and the Social Safety Net for the aged and needy throughout Sierra Leone.
The Ministry, in collaboration with the UNDP/ILO, enlisted the services of ILO-sponsored consultants, to conduct financial studies and actuarial analysis of the proposed Scheme in order to determine suitable options and various scenarios, which included methods of financing, rates of contributions and benefit structures and qualifying conditions. The Committee’s report, and the recommendations of the Consultants formed the basis for the introduction of the first National Social Insurance Pension Scheme
The Trust is autonomous and belongs to the state. Commencement date: As required by Section 1, Act No. 5 of 2001 came into operation by Presidential Order in Statutory Instrument No.8 of 31st August 2001. The effective date of payment of contributions is January 2002.
An overview of our organisation.
- Registration of employers and employees
- Collection of contributions
- Processing and payment of benefits
- The maintenance of records on contributions and Insured earnings
- Compliance and enforcement procedures
- Management of the funds of the scheme
- It is a defined benefit social insurance scheme
- It is partially funded and financed on a scaled premium basis
- It is compulsory for all employees and voluntary for the self-employed
- It is portable i.e. one can move from one job to another without loss of pensions
- Benefits are indexed to maintain the real value of pensions
- Old-age
- Invalidity
- Survivor
- Contributions from Employers and Employees
- Investment Income; and
- Penalties and interest on delayed contributions
The Government is paying an additional 2.5 percent contribution for its employees to validate their past services, i.e. recognise their years of labour prior to the establishment of the scheme. Thus, total contribution for public sector employees is 17 .5 percent. The Government also
pays an additional 2 percent contribution for the police and military personnel as the extra cost for the new benefit of full pension when these personnel retire at age 55. The 2007 Actuarial Valuation Report has maintained these rates for the new 20-year equilibrium period.

Mohamed Fuaad Daboh
Director General
Mohammed Gondoe
Deputy Director General, Administration
Edwin Kamara
Deputy Director General, OperationsFadiru Koroma
General Manager, Admin and HRD
Victoria Mansaray
General Manager, Benefits
Osman F Koroma
General Manager, Public Affairs and Events Planning
Abdul Turay
General Manager, Finance
Muhamad L Bah
General Manager, ICT
Joe Hassan Kalokoh
General Manager, Research, Planning & ActuarialMohamed Sam
General Manager, OperationsThere are ten Divisions within the Trust and three autonomous Departments that report directly to the Director General's Office.

- How will future income and expenditures of the scheme develop?
- How does the scheme react to potential future demographic and economic developments?
- What is the financing and income replacement implication of future scheme reforms?
- What are the best investment options of the scheme? and
- How would the scheme respond proactively to changing economic & demographic trends?
These Departments are not under any of the ten Divisions and they report
directly to the Director General’s Office.
The Procurement Department is responsible for acquisition of goods, works and services for the Trust. This function is carried out in strict adherence to the country’s Public Procurement Act. |
Customer Service
This Department is largely responsible for establishing and cementing the relationship of the Trust with the public. Customer service staff are the first line of contact with the public the Trust. Through continued interaction with the public, this Department creates an image of the Trust that leaves a lasting impression on our valued customers. |
Compliance, Risks and Quality Department The primary function of this Department is to monitor and assess compliance. Through quality assurance activities, this Department also ensures that standard processes and procedures are strictly followed in all activities of the Trust. The monitoring and assessment of risks is also the responsibility of this Department. |